What is the 4Ever Supplies Affiliate Program?

The 4Ever Supplies Affiliate Program is an opportunity that allows you to earn money by placing a 4Ever Supplies banner or text link on your website. When visitors click on the link and buy any product from our online store, you make a commission on the total sale.

What are the benefits?

  • Devoted affiliate team
  • 45-day cookie for returning Customers
  • Product data feed
  • Custom Coupons and landing pages
  • Customer satisfaction guaranteed
  • Easy and free to you

How do I get started?

4Ever Supplies has teamed up with ZBANX to make this affiliation quick and easy to launch. We will provide you with the banners, product, and text links that you will need to link to our site. You can decide what works best for you, your customers, and your site. ZBANX will provide unrestricted access to daily reporting for you to track your successes.

Online Application

Apply Now! 

Please be sure to read and agree to the terms and conditions for our site. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at sophie@4eversupplies.com

We look forward to working with you!